Angle of Attack

SoSFDavidO here for the next two weeks, takin’ the reins! Here’s today’s strip for you snarkers to digest. I hope “Hollywood” is buying because I just can’t see Les spending $23.99 for a organic beef cheeseburger with goat cheese and side of avocado dip.

Sigh. We can dream…


Filed under Son of Stuck Funky

18 responses to “Angle of Attack

  1. Wow. I thought today’s episode would be stupid and terrible, but this amazes even me.

  2. “My first instinct was ‘smug self-righteous assholery,’ but your idea works too.”

  3. spacemanspiff85

    Les will be having pizza, of course. And while chewing each bite, he’ll bitch about how it’s not as good as Montoni’s.

  4. DOlz

    His love of Lisa is a fresh angle?!? The contempt TB must have for people in general is staggering that he thinks the folks in Hollywood are incapable of normal human emotions.

    I wish I had a time machine so I could go back and show the person who decided to buy FW these strips. If I could FW would never have seen the light of day.

  5. I don’t know what’s worse: the fact that Batiuk thinks that people outside his bunker-like Anglos-only suburb aren’t really human or his not realizing what a dreary mess he’s made of his strip.

  6. Flummoxicated

    No surprise here, Hollywood Actor is stupid, clueless, and unfeeling. TB told us this would happen years ago in one of his patented Les Chats with Dead Lisa on a Park Bench, and here it is, unfolding exactly as foretold. Memo to Batom Inc.: subverting expectations can be an interesting storytelling move! IT’S CALLED WRITING!

  7. Orbiter

    This strip is so boring. How boring is it? The cartoonist is so bored that, wittingly or unwittingly, he has exposed his creative mantra in today’s illustration. His creative urge always follows the same path: (1) This Les character, what”s his motivation? (2) Uh . . . . his love for Lisa (duh . . .) (3) THAT’S what I’m looking for, a FRESH ANGLE! This thought process repeats in the cartoonist’s mind every working day, like he’s a character in the movie Groundhog Day or one of those films about amnesiacs.

  8. billytheskink

    Palm? When did Lefty open a restaurant in Hollywood?

  9. What this episode really says about Les: he’s a moron. And not just a regular one.

    Evidence: Mason asks him about “Les'” motivation while they’re approaching the restaurant. It takes Les from that moment, through being greeted and brought to a table, through ordering drinks, through being served those drinks, until he can come up with an answer. And his answer is idiotic.

  10. Saturnino

    “Palm? When did Lefty open a restaurant in Hollywood?”

    Actually, there really is one………..and maybe another C&D letter……..
    This has really spawned a rasher of comments on the Disqus feed for the original comic.

  11. sgtsaunders

    Of course it’s a “fresh angle.” It should be apparent from page 1 of either the book or the script that Les’ true motivation is exploiting the living shit out of a sad but routine death from breast cancer for personal gain and to spread the legend that is Author Les from sea to shining sea. The movie should actually be about Les writing the book and not so much about the content of the book. There’s actually more of a story there and the title “Lust For Lisa” fits better. They’ll be puking on the sofa when Mason Jar Jar Binks performs the infamous New Year’s Eve scene.

  12. Professor Fate

    “Well yes but what i need to figure out is why he epxresses his love for Lisa by moping about or smirking and just being a dick to everybody – i need to understand that leap,” ,

  13. bad wolf

    Les, if someone’s taking you out to a $50 a plate lunch, perhaps you could tone down the dickery for two seconds….

    As with most Batiuk research the original images pop up on the first page of Google Image Search (in fact the first 3 i get including interiors) but i have to wonder about the reason for the specificity here. Perhaps TB went to lunch there during his own Comic-Con trip and decided he could write it off as a business expense?

  14. bigd1992

    Great time for an earthquake to hit LA and leave Les under a pile of rubble.

  15. Epicus Doomus

    DavidO: Just got the BHSC gag….brilliant. Sick, but brilliant.

  16. The Dreamer

    Hollywood actor is going to go to the director and say Les is too boring and that his ‘love for Lisa” is not enough motivation. He’s going to convince the director that Les needs a secret girlfriend, so that the ending is Lisa getting better from cancer, finding out about Les’s affair, and blowing Les away with shotgun.