Monthly Archives: September 2014

It Goes Fast…But This Week Won’t

Link to today’s strip

Epicus here filling in for the evening. I have to admit I didn’t see this coming, I thought the annual cancer fun run thing was confined to that horrible Sunday strip. But nope, BatBrain dropped Owen’s grand moment on the big stage just to run yet another ponderous “Lisa’s Legacy” promotional arc featuring the Wistful Widower and his fat trusty sidekick, Near-Death Man. Couldn’t this drivel have waited for a week? Or for eternity?

So I guess the timeline continuity just kinda comes and goes at TheAuthor’s convenience, eh? Don’t even get me going on that whole timeline conundrum thing again. Check out the dick with ears, strutting around with that #1 on his back, acting like a big shot just because HIS wife died making the annual fun run possible. What a dick.

And it’s official: here come the leaves. That means Westview’s annual three month long blizzard is right around the corner. Time really does fly, I suppose.


Filed under Son of Stuck Funky

Mondays, Ugh…

Hello Snarkers! SoFsDavidO here, takin’ over for a very competent TFHackett. I can’t see what’s happening in in today’s strip but hopefully Owen is out of the goat costume and his spine is somewhat recovering.


Filed under Son of Stuck Funky

Sunday Funkies

Hello Snarkers! SoFsDavidO here, takin’ over for a very competent TFHackett. I can’t see what’s happening in in today’s strip but I’m sure it’s a knee-slapper!


Filed under Son of Stuck Funky

B-a-a-a-a-a-a-d Concussion

Hello Snarkers! SoFsDavidO here, takin’ over for a very competent TFHackett as we get up-to-date with Westview’s senior student, Owen Muffinhead and his goat-based shenanigans in today’s strip.

Good news, Owen caught the ball! Bad news, I’m no doctor but those little squiggly marks above his head don’t look good.
Oh, how timely and relevant to today’s concern over untreated concussions among high school football players.

Considering how slight Owen is compared to the mountain gorillas he’s in the game with, I guess we should be relieved his head isn’t still in the goat’s head.


Filed under Son of Stuck Funky

That’s Goat To Hurt

Hello Snarkers! SoFsDavidO here, takin’ over for a very competent TFHackett as we get up-to-date with Westview’s senior student, Owen Muffinhead and his goat-based shenanigans in today’s strip.

Not to nickpick continuity here, which is normally just flawless, but why in the hell is Cody watching from the sidelines? Why isn’t he in his band uniform? Why does Mrs. Booberry come to a football game?

I need to queue up Yakety Sax for the rest of these strips and give up on any of this making sense.


Filed under Son of Stuck Funky